A seminar on "Culture of Belonging and Motivation" was held by the Academic Development and Thought Society of KAEU. Before the seminar, Mehmet Baki Öztürk, Head of MEB R&D, Quality and Monitoring Department, and NLP Specialist visited the Rector of KAEU Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya in his office. During the visit, Öztürk was accompanied by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil and members of the Anatolian Youth Association.

In the seminar held after the visit, Mehmet Baki Öztürk, Head of MEB R&D, Quality and Monitoring Department and NLP Specialist, started his speech by noting that young people have weaknesses in their mental and spiritual development and noted that channels such as Facebook-Instagram-Twitter take these weaknesses even further. Noting that people come to this world not to be happy, but to make them happy, Öztürk stated that happiness will come with love and goodwill. In the first part of the seminar, Baki Öztürk emphasized that wherever we put our energy, life will change there, and told that young people who focus their energy on the values and resources they have will overcome difficult processes.

Don't Watch Your Life, Manage It!

NLP Specialist Öztürk Öztürk continued his speech by stating that it is not possible to postpone certain things in the 21st century and stated that at this point, young people need to prioritize, scale, and rank things to reach their goals. Öztürk continued his words by saying the slogan "Do Not Watch Your Life, Manage it!" together with the youth: "The sun has risen, we closed our eyes, it is not the fault of the sun, it is our fault. Why? Because our perceptions and priorities are different. Guys, you are now at the level to make decisions. People live the past with their experiences, they live the moment with their responsibilities, they live the future with their hopes. What did Ahi Evran, who gave his name to this university, do? What did he do that when this state fell into trouble, they always called Ahi Evran-ı Veli? People show their acquis through their knowledge and experience, draw a lesson and take a lesson. Guys, appreciate your time, you are at the most critical age for self-development, reading books; there will be no such time from now on, so it's time to do something!”

If You Need an Excuse for New Beginnings, “This is the Day!”

In the continuation of his speech, Mehmet Baki Öztürk said that besides biological birth, human beings continue to exist for mental rebirth, spiritual rebirth, social rebirth, and intellectual rebirth, and noted that these rebirths of awareness are the real birthday of the person. NLP Specialist Öztürk reminded us that in our ancient civilization, this is called a journey of guidance, understanding, and truth. Ozturk, who asked the young people to shout "This is the day" for a new beginning, stated that "the moment" should always be watched to find a way out. In the last part of the seminar, Mehmet Baki Öztürk underlined that we need to realize the potential within us and that we must search for it, and asked the young people to never give up, to focus on the target, and to always strive diligently.

The program ended after the Vice-Rector of KAEU, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, thanked Mehmet Baki Öztürk, Head of MEB R&D Department, NLP Specialist and presented a plaque to Öztürk to commemorate the day.