Rector of Ahi Evran University Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil visited and met with representatives of various NGOs and institutions, including Turkiye Kamusen, Ahiler Development Agency, KOSGEB, and IHH.

Collaborations with Stakeholders Bring Success in the New Generation University Approach

Emphasizing the importance of Kırşehir's regional and national development, and continuing visits to NGOs and institutions in this regard, Rector Karahocagil stated that they operated with a spirit of brotherhood to serve the city and the university. Karahocagil, emphasizing that the university was the driving force of the city in terms of knowledge and experience, stated that collaborations should be developed to transform knowledge into beneficial services for society. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, stating that collaborations with stakeholders would bring success in the new generation university approach, said, 'The city and the students are very valuable to us, we must cherish these values. The guiding institutions of society should increase these contacts even more and produce projects.'

During the visits, Rector of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University  Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Güneş visited Yusuf Aydın and his administration, Turkiye Kamusen Kırşehir Province Representative, Ali Gencer and his administration, Ahiler Development Agency Provincial Representative, Muzaffer Demirci and his administration, KOSGEB Provincial Representative, Hikmet Kılıç and his administration.