Evaluation meetings for TUBITAK, AB, and COST Projects has held at KAEU on February 19, 2014 at KAEU Ahi Evran Congress and Culture center. The meeting was attended by the REctor of KAEÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım Karahocagil, Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Ali Güneş, Prof. Dr. Musa Özata, BAP Coordinator Prof. Dr. Muttalip Çiçek, Director of TTO Instr. Mahmut Sarı and many faculty members from varios units. The opening speech of the program was made by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Güneş, and it was stated that about 100 projects were done in five years at KAEU. Güneş emphasized that they would provide support to increase the project number by emproving the BAP Coordinatorship for R&D studies.

Rektör Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kasım  Karahocagil also made an evaluation at the meeting. He stated the value of such meetings and the importance of communicating and coming together with the academicians carrying out R&D studies. Karahocagil pointed out the need for more quantitatively and qualitatively high academic studies which are systematic and sustainable. Karahocagil ended his speech by thanking the academicians carrying out projects and academic studies.